Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Today I subbed for a teacher today (for one class period) and it was a Behavior Disorder class. Rough class dynamics, all seemed to have ADHD, were extremely immature, were underclassmen, and the littlest things would set them off. In a 50 minute class period many things happened (some of which I cannot type on this "family" oriented blog). First thing when I walked in a kid says, "Oh my GOSH! It's Dane Cook!" and I was 'Dane' for the rest of the period. There was also a kid with a black leather Guns & Roses biker jacket - it was totally awesome - circa Appetite for Destruction.
If children are our future, we're in big trouble...


Me..... said...

Love this. I had a dream I walked through Kelso high school last night. I must tell you about it! There were coed bathrooms!! And Mr Wardlow was there.

Unknown said...

Kristy....that just made my night! Andy....sounds like a good night for a beer at the rock.

Anonymous said...

You mean at the rock, as in Shekinah's youth group?

Andy said...

I think she meant the ShamROCK.