Friday, November 13, 2009

Do you serve crabs here?

So I caught crabs on V.D. (Vet's Day). Lots of them. So many in fact, that I played Santa Crabs and gave a bunch of people crabs when I got back. Man, that's some good meat. I think I might go back tomorrow too. I stayed down at Ft.Stevens in Hammond, OR. with my coaching buddies Pat and Bob. The first night I slept with Pat and while laying in bed, the following conversation may or may not have actually happened:

Pat- "Mamma Mia was a tough one to sit through."

Andy - "Oh man, I hated that movie! Just when you think you're going to get some dialogue, here comes another song!"

Pat - "And Pierce Brosnan can't sing."

(. . . long pause . . .)

Andy - "I love The Sound of Music. . ."
Nothing like a little "guy-time" to purge the system.

This is really sweet. About 12:45 AM last night, Dash crawled into my bed - which is no small feat now that I have a brand new twin that my buddy Brent gifted me. Anyway, I asked him why he was in here and if anything was wrong and he said, "No, I wanna sleep with you." He has slept with me at times before, when my bed was bigger, but he never makes a midnight bed swap. Then he snuggles up to me and says, "Daddy hold my hand." So I did, and that's how we fell asleep. I woke up about an hour later because he had successfully taken over the bed so I moved to the floor.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Reveal and Reciprocate

As the King Blogger of this site, I feel it important that you Blogees know whom you serve here. Some things you may not know about me:

1. I love a good Creme Soda, but I don't like soda pop in general - but I always have some at home.

2. Maybe it's not too suprising, but if it's got cheese in it (real or artificial), I'm probably going to eat it. Same for sausage too.

3. Crabbing is my new favorite past-time. I'm going next week.

4. Before I had decided to become a teacher, I wanted to work at a zoo or SeaWorld. No lie.

5. Dash hasn't responded well to the couple times I've spanked him, but if I tell him to go to his room he will - even if he's in mid-temper-tantrum. It's hilarious really, but I'm thankful.

6. In my life, I've had a bunch of different creatures for pets: fish, frogs, snakes, salemanders, dogs, cats, praying mantis and I've been close to getting a skink and a bird. I think it's a very boy-ish thing to do. I'll even grab creatures outside around the house just so I can show Kaed or Dash.

7. I've never bungie jumped, but I have jumped off bridges.

8. I've never been to Spain, but I kinda like the music.

9. I love that my 2 favorite shows from my childhood have been remade into movies - GIJoe and A-team.

10. I got told I look like Dane Cook again for the 2nd time in 2 weeks. I guess he's sort of funny (Employee of the Month cracked me up a bit) so I didn't take offense. So if you're keeping track at home, since I've been a teacher, I've been compared to Dane Cook, John Cusak, Johnny Depp (?) and Ray freaking Liotta (!). And one Latino student asked me if I was Latino. I said, "Of course."

The other day Dash was playing Halo on the xbox. Yes, he's actually playing it. Not very well, but he can move the guy around and shoot the gun near where the aliens are. Anyway, he was so locked into the game that he didn't get up to go to the bathroom so he peed his pants. When asked why, he said that he wanted to play. He'd rather pee himself than stop playing his game! Should I be concerned or proud? That, my friends, is dedication.