Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Class and Culture

Last night I thought I'd expose Kaed to something new and took him to Kelso High School's band/orchestra Spring concert. It went well. Parts of it were long, but overall he says he liked it and maybe will want to do it someday. I'm glad. Music has always been pretty important to me and I'm thankful for learning the violin and cello early on in life. Eric and Nick played the violin too. Let me throw a shout out to Mr. Simonsen, out orchestra teacher, who from 4th grade thru high school, had me convinced that he actually went fishing with Larry Bird.

(as soon as we walked out to the truck both of us let out huge farts we'd been holding throughout the concert....)

Ever try pulling off a "that's what she said" joke that's "clean"? They're not nearly as funny. But I did it a week ago. In one of my classes. The looks on the faces of my students was priceless. And I didn't jeopardize my career.

The last 2 nights I've woken up in the exact same position as when I fell asleep. That's some good sleep right there! It might be the first time that's ever happend back to back.


Me..... said...

Glad to know you are finally sleeping well.

Nothing like a good fart after a musical concert!

Jennifer said...

Beans don't count as a musical instrument.

What was the clean "TWSS" joke?

Good sleep = clean conscience. :)