Monday, May 7, 2012

Brotherly Love

Dash loves his older brother.  There's no getting around it.  For example, this weekend when he had his 5th birthday party, he was very happy to see each of his friends and family, but when I told him that Kaed was coming...."Yeeessssssssss!"  To Dash, everything is better when Kaed is there.  Everything.  Even showers apparently.  Dash took a second shower the other day just because Kaed needed one - so he jumped in with him - then told me that he wouldn't need another one for 2 days because he took an extra one.  (smart kid, nice try)  What's really sweet of him is that when he doesn't get to seem him he's genuinely sad.  I mean, it's sad, and sweet.  There is no "half" brother status between them, and I love it.  the really great thing is that Kaed reciprocates the feelings.  He really likes having little bro around.  They have a lot of fun together.  And I am truly thankful.  Iron sharpens iron after all.

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