Monday, March 17, 2008

YouTube, BabyOragel, 31 & Spring Break

Before I get to the links, I just want to mention 2 things. First, I read The Sports Guy on and he will occassionally list links that he's visited that he enjoyed so I'm kind of doing the same thing by plagerizing his idea. Second, and this is for the guys who read this, but do you guys ever take issue with the inordinate number of shampoo/conditioner/face-cleanser/exfoliator/make-up-remover/shaving-cream/shaving-lotion/haircare bottles in the shower? I have one - shampoo. Kaed has one - shampoo. Dash has one - shampoo/baby soap (he doesn't really need a bottle for shampoo because we're basically making his scalp smell good). Leah has like, 12. And you know what? I'm ok with that. Really. I don't mind except one little thing. Her conditioner bottle (which is huge) has a pump-dispenser that is equally huge. It sits on a shelf that is hip-high to me and I've been poked by it a number of times. But still, that is not the issue. The issue is that whenever I bend down to pick something up off the tub floor (like Dash), or bend to dry my legs/feet off, I'm in danger of a conditioner-insertion of the SanFran red-light district variety. I've been goosed by that dumb thing more times than I care to admit. I've yet to tell Leah (picking my battles) but I've had it. That stupid pump just about put through the roof when I had my cyst (did I ever tell you guys about that . . .). Anyway, there's my rant, and here are some key-words to type in on

1. "vadrum super mario 2"

2. "flute mario" - guy looks like a dweeb but it's funny

3. "killer whale kayak"

4. "cat ceiling fan" - I hate cats

5. "stevie wonder drum solo"

6. "shawn kemp top 10 dunks"

That should keep you busy for a few minutes. Enjoy.

Young Dashal is cutting 4 teeth right now and he's a little crabby. We've got the baby Oragel gum-number stuff and just for fun, my mom and I rubbed some on our gums - just to check it out. Mom couldn't stop laughing because it felt so weird. Me too.

I turn 31 on the 27th... That just sounded a lot older to me right then. So for my birthday I'm going to Phoenix to golf with my father-in-law (Vaughn) and a brother-in-law (Joel). Should be fun.


Me..... said...

I think the thought of you being goosed by a shampoo bottle is too funny... aren't you glad that she is washing her hair though!!! and you did marry a hair stylist! I guess that is the price you pay brother!...... (I loved your green eggs and ham comment!)

Anonymous said...

I won't have to worry about that for a whole week in Phoenix...

Anonymous said...

this is how this works