Tuesday, May 13, 2008

#1 - on a few levels...

Before I get into it here, Dash ate 3 cinnamon rolls this morning. I can't even do that. And each time you put something new on his plate, he takes one bite and goes, "mmMMMMmmm!" Every time. It doesn't get old either.

Speaking of old, Dash turned the Big One last week and we celebrated it with Mother's Day! Much family, much fun. He's very close to walking now (we took a vote at the party and we believe that he took his first step - he kind of did) and has been finally saying Mamma and Dadda. The kid is learning. Exponentially. I won't go so far as to say he's a genius, but he's Einsteinian-esque. He knows what to do with the guitar now. Awesome. He knows how to comb his head - because he's still bald. He knows that if you push my nose, it makes a noise. He knows to dance when the music turns up (see video below). He knows how to love. He knows that if he increases his volume, he's more likely to get his way. He pees EVERY time he's put on the toilet. And somewhere along the way, he's figured out what to do with toilet paper (I have a video of this, but I'm having trouble loading it up...). Granted, it's basic application, but it is an understanding nonetheless.

Kaed's baseball season is nearing it's end - to which Leah and I say "Hooray!" I love that Kaed loves baseball and does well in a league of older kids, but I don't love the level of seriousness in which everyone else seems to be taking with their league. I could have killed a coach/mom last week. She basically accused me/us of cheating. I felt like sending some "chin-music" her direction with the pitching machine. Classic "that-mom" at the ballpark: loud, negative, unrealistically and overly competative in an unnecessary environment, and can tell you each player's statistics on her team. She yells for the infield to "move-up" when a weaker hitter is at bat. Seriously, if this season doesn't end soon, I might be doing a nickle in Walla-Walla and looking forward to congical visits.

That said, I have the best wife imaginable. She'd understand. Happy Mother's Day to all mom's.

Building permits have passed, roads have been put in and the Lemiere's will be breaking ground as early as the end of the week! If you should happen to remember, pray for our ground. Big rocks suck.

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