Monday, August 31, 2009
BTW, I went back and paid for my 'dine and dash' meal 2 days later.
The Doxology:
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above ye Heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
And there's the Lemiere/Nordstrom dinner version too - and it varies a little from the actual hymn:
Be present at our table Lord,
Be here and everywhere adored,
These mercies bless and grant that we,
May strengthen for thy service be.
I was introduced to Christian Artist Misty Edwards last spring and her album Relentless is becoming one of my all-time favorites. In fact, if I were stranded on an island and could only take 3 CD's with me, it'd probably be one of them.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Today I walked out of a Sherry's Resturant without paying for my meal. And I did it on purpose. I forgot my wallet in my truck (I didn't drive there), so I nonchalantly walked out. I'd never done that before and I was a little nervous. A few hours later I went back and took care of it though.
I watched a concert of Robert Plant recently and he looks like he could be a long lost brother of my great uncle Don. They aren't dead on for each other, but there's definitely an eerily slight resemblance.I finally did get a bottle opener... just in case. I don't want to repaint my kitchen ceiling 2-3 times a year when I happen to have wine.
At what point does it be come socially ackward for Dash to run around naked? It's funny and cute still, but I don't know how much longer he's got.
Today is my official 1st day back to work (kids next week). I have a Steve Largent jersey hanging in my room and I'm pretty sure none of my students will know who he is - nor will they recognize who is on my Dr. J poster.
Kaed starts 2nd grade this year and turns 8 in 2 weeks! Geez. How'd he get so old so fast?
When Dash doesn't want to something, he'll often fake an injury. It's hilarious. {Me} "Dash, go get your shoes." {Dash, dropping to the ground} "Knee urth (hurts) daddy, you do it." If it has to do with food, it'll be his tummy that 'urth'. If something goes wrong, be likes to blame some body part. I forsee him being a great professional soccer player. Or an Argentinian basketball player (I can't stand Manu!).
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Family Trip
Friday, August 14, 2009
Man hood and blunders
I tried to open a bottle of red wine the other day with a screwdriver. Why a screwdriver? Because I don't have a bottle opener. I'm not much of a wine guy so I had to MacGyver the cork out. Turns out, a screwdriver is a bad idea. What happened was that I pushed the cork so hard that it actually went all the way into the bottle creating quite a bit of pressure inside. As soon as the cork was submerged, a geyser of red wine shot out Old-Faithful style over everything! All over me, my friend, my kitchen, and even my ceiling (but I didn't catch that until the next day when it had already stained it...). Learn from this: phillips screwdrivers are bad when trying to fanagle a cork out of it's bottle.
So I had a Pampered Chef party at my house last night . . . (of all the things I thought I'd never say...) and it was pretty fun. 34 people. Good food and good times.
I heard this line the other day given to me by one of my friends, "Scattegories (the board game) is like 2nd base for Christian chicks." Totally cracked me up though I'm not sure what he meant nor am I exactly sure what "2nd base" is. Made me laugh though.