Friday, August 14, 2009

Man hood and blunders

This has been a big week for Kaed's progress in his manhood, and mine in fatherhood. This week, Kaed learned to ride a bike, sans training wheels. One day he absolutely couldn't do it, the next day he was riding all over the place. I'm very proud of him. Just in time too because we're going to be doing some serious bike riding down at Eagle Crest next week. Somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind is the slight insecurity about not being able teach him to swim, but fortunately Jon (his dad) is much more pool-savy than I.

I tried to open a bottle of red wine the other day with a screwdriver. Why a screwdriver? Because I don't have a bottle opener. I'm not much of a wine guy so I had to MacGyver the cork out. Turns out, a screwdriver is a bad idea. What happened was that I pushed the cork so hard that it actually went all the way into the bottle creating quite a bit of pressure inside. As soon as the cork was submerged, a geyser of red wine shot out Old-Faithful style over everything! All over me, my friend, my kitchen, and even my ceiling (but I didn't catch that until the next day when it had already stained it...). Learn from this: phillips screwdrivers are bad when trying to fanagle a cork out of it's bottle.

So I had a Pampered Chef party at my house last night . . . (of all the things I thought I'd never say...) and it was pretty fun. 34 people. Good food and good times.

I heard this line the other day given to me by one of my friends, "Scattegories (the board game) is like 2nd base for Christian chicks." Totally cracked me up though I'm not sure what he meant nor am I exactly sure what "2nd base" is. Made me laugh though.


Me..... said...

so, I hope you ordered a nice fancy bottle opener from your pampered chef party!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my word! Sorry about your ceiling! I can't help but laugh tho! Hope you have extra touch up paint?! Why didn't we look up? Who woulda thought it would hit the ceiling??