Friday, September 25, 2009

Today's devotional

I read Pastor Steve Parrish's Life Devotions frequently and this was a sentence that popped out to me today:
"Every great miracle has a history as to why it was so desperately needed."
Miracles are miracles because they come in times of desperation or hopelessness. For me, I think that when I am desperate, I am the most willing for change and direction. Anything to get me out of my state of desperation - and coincidentally, it's usually when Christ speaks to me the most clearly. Actually, it's probably more that I am probably hearing Him more intently. God wants a willing heart right? Why is it that I have to experience difficulty and hardship to really focus on Him? Why am I most willing when faced with desperation? Maybe the miracles in my life wouldn't be so miraculous if I was little more focused when things are good. Thankfully, Christ never tires coming to my rescue - and I'm grateful for His perfect-ness.

HIS love for me and how I need to give that to others is something I'm learning and re-learning every day.


Me..... said...

Good post. So true.

Anonymous said...

This is so true Andy! I can totally relate! :) Rana