Wednesday, January 20, 2010

O's and E's

*When I told Dash I was going to play drums at church yesterday he looked at me and said, "Worship?"

*Yesterday, Jan. 19th, was somebody's birthday (whom I know) and I can't remember who's it is. It's making my brain itch. I apologize if it was yours.

*Today, Jan. 20th, is also someone's birthday whom I don't know.

*Today's word of the day (compliments of Urban is for the ladies: Manicorn- a mythical male creature who is successful (read: pursuing his passion and can pay his bills), funny, chivalrous, masculine (read: not chauvinistic), adventerous, and artistic (read: not suicidal).

*The band Elbow is not awful.

*I need to take down my Christmas tree.